The Why...

Thought this would be a great New Years resolution, take a photo everyday for a year...same face, different place. I've, 'Never found the time" to be creative. Bet you've said that before about Something. Well I told myself, 'this year I'm going to achieve something that involves commitment and creativity'....hopefully the creative side gets better during the year. This will be a view into my life, even though some of it is staged...

Friday, July 22, 2011

Reaching 'that' point.

I've hit it, the excited less then 3 weeks to go stage...aaaaand bringing up the rear is the ugly head of "Have you got everything, squire?"(english accent, for those who want my conscience to have character). Yes, going on an adventure like this and not planning anything, in the the wet season, is bound to have endless mishaps. Preparing for the rain, probably the most life giving pain in the arse when travelling like I want to. But, I have all my wet gear, for me and my bag. Couple of ground mats, probably won't be camping much but you never know. All my climbing gear, check. That was easy but also spawns a new problem of destroys it. Just sorting out my medical kit now, writing down all the things that may deviate me from 'Wooo this is awesome" to "OMG I can see the bone!!" to just plain old leeches. In a place where a mere flesh wound can turn septic in 24hrs, I need to be prepared.
Time has dragged till now...3 weeks is going to fly! Let the freak out begin!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Steve, you are such a bloody adventurer. Pity I couldn't be with you on some of your journeys, but don't think I could keep up. Wow,you are having a great time. Talk soon. Love Mum xo
