I wasn't prepared, coming to Melbourne. I had this false sense of security that I was an electrician and I could get a job anywhere...not the case. I struggled to find work and ended up in a cafe getting paid $13 an hour, just enough to cover the food and rent. Now I originally said that I 'was doing it tough' but in fact I wasn't trying hard enough. I wasn't prepared to go out and find a job that I could be good at, outside of what I already knew. So I ruled out a multitude of jobs and now I'm paying for it. 2 months before I was leaving to go overseas the jobs I eventually found, casual electrical work/ cafe work, started to dry up...now I owe family money. Not awesome. Even though I thought I was a proactive person I learnt that I am not. So now, 3 weeks away from leaving, if I'd only got off my arse and found a full-time job I wouldn't be sitting at home writing this. Looking at it on the bright side though, I picked a pretty good time to make a mistake. 22, nothing tying me down, no big mortgage and the rest of my life ahead of me. I've changed my attitude towards a lot this year, and it's only half done! Moving to Melbourne has given me an extremely valuable lesson...
Make things happen, you're the only one who can!
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